Hey Ladies and Gents! I have always enjoyed doing Top lists when it comes to movies fro some reason, I guess I just like ranking the best of the best so I thought that it would be a good idea to start doing a weekly Top Ten list. For the first week I decided to do Endings, Definitely watch out for spoilers, enjoy! Comment! and watch some movies!
First here are the Honorable mentions that didn't make the list. All of these were great and it was a tough decision but this is my list and my opinion, if you disagree I would love to hear your opinion
Honorable Mentions: Planet Of The Apes, The Sixth Sense, Casablanca, The Shawshank Redemption, Casablanca, Dr. Strangelove, All Quiet On The Western Front, The Maltese Falcon, Martyrs, The Deer Hunter, Grave Of The Fireflies, Donnie Darko, Twelve Monkey, The Wrestler
10. The Empire Strikes Back
Luke...I Am Your Father |
One of the most shocking moments in cinema history was the reveal that Darth Vader was Luke' Father. People were shocked and world's were rocked. It made everyone want to go back and see the first one to make sense of the whole thing. It is a classic and probably the best moment in the best Star Wars films as well. Also audiences learned about Leia's force presence. It was a dark ending and left for a great ending to look forward to the next movie. Great ending and awesome film.
9. Requiem For A Dream
I'm going to be on television |
Probably the darkest ending in cinema history but its horrifyingly beautiful at the same time. It's cinematic, it's beautifully edited with an amazing soundtrack by Clint Mansell to back it up. The repeated image of the characters in the fetal position is haunting and depressing but after sitting through the whole film this ending is perfect and magnificent. Thank you Aronofsky.
8. Fight Club
I told you not to talk to her about us |
This one had me scratching my head for a while. It was not only a great twist but left you looking back at the rest of the film to try to understand what the heck was going on the whole time! Plus this film does not even stop at the twist but goes on and the final scene leaves you questioning if the whole film was even real and how The Narrator survived a bullet to the head. Awesome music to end along with a great ending line. Great ending to an awesome film and must see for Fincher fans. The best part is watching the whole movie after knowing the twists to see that Fincher has been teasing you the whole film without you knowing it.
7. The Usual Suspects
The greatest trick the devil ever pulled... |
A great mystery thriller with a twist that not many people saw coming. Spacey gives a great performance and feels the detectives and us the audience as well to turn out to be the guy we have been look for all along. The worst part is looking at the board and realizing the lie he fed us was made up on the spot and it was in front of us all along. We were even teased by the "greatest trick" line. Singer did a great job directing this piece and you won't forgot the shot of Spacey's feet as they slowly turn from cripple to normal and our minds are blown.
6. Se7en
What's in the box?!?! |
This ending definitely left you shaking your head. Not only are we shocked the John Doe has killed Mills' wife but now we learn that he is willing to die for his "masterpiece". The whole film becomes full circle and we are stunned. We feel terrible for Mills and we are left questioning what we would have done. The tension is incredible and even we are left asking "what's in the box?!" during the build up. The ending quote from Freeman also leaves us questioning whether or not this world is worth fighting for. This ending stays with ya and is always a shock the first time you see. Fincher for the win once again.
5. Inception
We may never know what Ineption truly was |
If you have seen this film then you understand what that picture means. I almost went with Nolan's Memento but I chose Inception because it is an ending that we are still talking about. We are left shocked and questioning everyone we just saw at screen. I have never been left so stunned in a theater before. Nolan is a master story teller.
4. Alfred Hitchcock
A master at suspense and cinema |
It was too hard to choose just one Hitchcock film so I decided to just honor all of them. There are so many awesome endings to Hitchcock's film whether they are plan witty and fun like Dial "M" for Murder or horrifying and scary like Psycho. One of my personal favorites is Rear Window because of the great shot where the villain looks straight into the camera and the great build up of suspense when you realize the villain is coming to kill James Stewart. North by Northwest has the classic Mount Rushmore scene and don't forget Vertigo's classic climax at the top of the bell tower. Each ending was daring and was incredible to watch. So thank you Hitchcock for giving us hours of entertainment and messing with our minds along the way.
3. Oldboy
Not too many people know about or have seen this film. But if you have, then you understand why this movie's climax may be one of the most messed up but brilliant endings to any film. I always like to point to Asia for some amazing film making and Oldboy helps me prove my point. Plus this movie blows your mind about 5 times and each times its jaw dropping. I would talk about it but this is a film that you should go in not knowing anything. Its great and it's one of the best ending in cinema. Go see Oldboy now! (Netflix Instant Queue)
2. The Converstaion
I didn't even know about this movie til last Spring during a screening at Elon. I didn't think it was going to be good but had high hopes for Coppola and man was I glad I watched it. Talk about mind blowing I never for once saw the ending coming and it was incredible to watch the whole thing work out. The tension is tight and continuously builds up. Just when you think you understand what happen Coppola completely slaps you in face. I was left stunned after this one for a while and found it to be very enjoyable. Very underrated but it is one of my all time favorites.
1. American History X
If you read my blog you already know how much I love this film and one of the reasons is because of this ending. It leaves you frozen and your jaw will be dropped. It makes you question the film, yourself, and you are left to figure out what you are supposed to take from your experience. I think it is beautiful because it leaves you with some self reflecting questions. The ending makes you think and seriously evaluate yourself and the consequences of your actions. The ending adds a lot of meaning to the film and puts its purpose and message in your hands. Everyone will expereince it differently. Make sure to see this flick as I have said before.
Well there is my top ten endings! What did you think? Did you disagree? let me hear what your thinking? Enjoy! And watch movies!!!
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