With Horrible Bosses coming out this weekend I thought it would be a good idea to look back at my personal favorite Top Ten Comedies.
As I said in my Easy A review, comedy to me is simple you either laugh and enjoy the experience or you don't. Still I always love a good comedy because there is nothing better than a good laugh. Plus the different types of comedy are fun to watch. There is slapstick, dark, political, social commentary, and even more which is a nice mix. Still how can you rate something funnier than something else? For me it is consistency, you know you have found an hilarious movie when no matter how many times you see it you will laugh your ass off. So what made my list? What was left off? Well read on to find out in my newest Top Ten List!
First the honorable mentions:
Easy A, Mean Girls, Zombieland, The Other Guys,
The Hangover,
Ghostbusters, Young Frankenstein, Duck Soup, Wedding Crashers, Caddyshack
The reason Hangover does not make my Top Ten is because it simply is not consistent, you've seen it once and you don't need to see it again. Great comedy but not consistent. Young Frankenstein would be on this list, but some on here are my personal favorites which will trump the classics.
10 Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story
Dodge Duck Dip Dive and...Dodge |
This is a big personal favorite for me because not only do I love this movie no matter how many times I watch it but it is also one of the most quotable films in my life. No matter what I always crack up watching it or even talking about it with friend. What works in this film is Ben Stiller's ridiculousness and the hilarious cast that makes up the Average Joe's team. Don't forget Jason Bateman's great cameo performace plus Chuck Norris! A must see comedy and one I will never get tired of
9 Anchorman: The Legend Of Ron Burgundy
Brick, where did you get a hand grenade? |
What makes Anchorman special is the phenomenal cast that makes this movie work. Will Ferrell is the star that dominates and brings out most of the laughs. Whether he is trying to walk off his boner or drinking Scotch on live TV, Ron Burgundy was one of the funniest characters of the 2000s. Steve Carell though is the scene stealer that probably has the best moments throughout the flick. The ridiculous story, the great quotable script, and overall performance from the cast comes together to make one of the greatest comedies of all time that will never get old.
8 Animal House
Did America give up after the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?! |
Without a doubt the best comedy about college not only because of its humor but because it was able to catch the real college life. The thing that makes this film great is the hilarious script and the fact that it was based off a true story. A true "F**K You" to the older straighten your back generation this movie inspired Toga parties everywhere. The great cast including the amazing John Belushi bring heart and hilarity tot he flick. Plus don't forget the classic "zit" scene and the amazing over the top style ending.
7 Bridesmaids
This is the first time I've seen you look ugly, and that makes me happy! |
Go and read my review if you are interested in my in-depth views on this film but even though this movie just came out I think it will go down as one of the greatest comedies of all time. I have never laughed out loud so many times during a movie and I can't wait to see it again sometime. It funny because its got a real heart behind it for audiences to connect to. Plus Melissa McCarthy is the best part of the whole thing and worth seeing just for her. Overall a great script, great cast, and a wonderful hilarious movie.
6 Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World
I'm in lesbians with you |
If you haven't seen
Scott Pilgrim then you are missing out on one of the most underrated flicks of 2010. Not only is this movie very devout to the graphic novel series but brings with it the unique humor that works. Edgar Wright successfully combined video game references, awesome eye-popping action, and nerdgasms left and right to create a modern spectacle. I highly suggest this to anyone because it will take you by surprise and you will fall in love with the film. Enjoyable from beginning to end and definitely re-watchable.
5 Groundhog Day
We could do whatever we want |
A movie about being stuck in life, and literally in the same day over and over. This 1993 flick not only has a promising premise but it works all thanks to the work of Bill Murray. He goes from jackass to a lovable character who is stuck on February 2nd until he straightens out his life. He was perfect casting and makes us laugh as he tries just about everything you could in one day whether it be chasing women or learning to master the piano. It's a movie that never gets old and that you enjoy watching.
4 Charlie Chaplin
It takes courage to make a fool of yourself. |
I could write about comedy without talking about the master of comedic cinema, Charlie Chaplin. A man who was able to present current issues with a cleaver hilarious twist in films like
Modern Times, City Lights, and
The Kid. The most impressive thing about Chaplin is that even in today's world he is still hilarious to watch and it is easy to see his influence everywhere as a comedic actor and cultural icon. He was able to bring humor into lives that were affected by both World Wars and the Great Depression to people who needed it. One of the greatest who will never be forgotten.
3 The Big Lebowski
The Dude Abides |
The classic Coen film here that brings their unique quirkiness together with a stellar cast to make a modern masterpiece. Bridges and Goodman makes one hell of a team and their chemistry makes for some hilarious moments. Plus the following for this film has become enormous to the point where they hold Lebowski conventions! It's quotable, enjoyable, wild, and hilarious. Everything you want from a comedy, and it never gets unwatchable. A must see.
2 Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The Bomb
This is the War Room! |
a doubt Stanley Kubrick's funniest movie and also one of the smartest. What started as a serious drama, Kubrick turned it into one of the greatest satire on the big screen. The superb cast including George C. Scott and Peter Sellers who plays 3 roles in the film. It is hilarious with its dark and ironic humor that hit the 1960s at the perfect time. It was way ahead of its time and is a great example of Kubrick's brilliance. The famous ending always comes to mind with the montage mushroom clouds with beautiful classical played over it. Plus its hard not to laugh at a pilot riding a atomic bomb to the ground.
1 Airplane!
They're on instrument |
This, I must admit, was an easy decision for number 1. This is without a doubt the funniest movie ever made. It quirky and pokes at all those serious disaster flicks. Between speaking Jive, blowing Auto-Pilot, and beating up a spastic passenger this ride is one you never want to stop. Leslie Nielsen and Peter Graves stand out as the funniest parts of the movies. They take the movie so seriously when surrounded by hilarity. It's almost impossible to watch this movie and not laugh. My personal favorite scene is when the little boy in the cockpit goes from being hit on by the pilot to critiquing Kareem Abdul-Jabbar's basketball game. The whole script is almost quotable! This is a must see and I think that everyone enjoys this movie that still has not aged and probably never will.
So that's my Top Ten Comedies! What did you agree with? What did I leave out? What are your favorites comedies? Comment and watch some movies!!!
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